Creating a functional office space is essential to getting work done but it should be designed around modern healthy trends as well. It may take a little work, but designing a modern and functional office space is possible.
Ensuring you keep the office space clean using commercial carpet cleaning services in Atlanta, GA (or elsewhere more relevant) as well as other sanitisation procedures will ensure the office is a clean space where employees can work without worry of becoming sick or unwell.
On the furnishings side, think about the psychology as well as the utility of each item. Utilizing bright comfortable furniture such as a white leather office chair can help create a chic power vibe while adhering to important ergonomics and using bright clean lines.
Natural elements and contemporary décor combined with comfortable furniture can help promote wellness in an aesthetically pleasing office space. Gone are the days of the soul-sucking workspace in the tiny lifeless cubicle. Today’s office spaces need to feel comfortable, have plenty of natural light and personal elements with sharp clean lines for maximum productivity.
Color Psychology and Eco-Friendly Elements
If you’ve never considered color psychology in your office space, now is the time. No more boring eggshell wall paint that puts people to sleep. Take the time to consider which emotions you want to invoke in your office space. Colder colors on the blue-green scale help trigger calmness and confidence. Yellow is great in meeting rooms to encourage creativity and light blue promotes productivity.
You’ll also want to incorporate eco-friendly elements into your design. Utilize plants and natural element designs while minimizing waste. Consider recycling in the office. Utilize eco-friendly products and consider motion-sensitive lighting. Utilize blinds that can stay open during the day for plenty of natural light. Invest in power strips for electronics and go paperless whenever possible to minimize waste.

Stimulate and Motivate with Design
Take the time to incorporate furniture that is ergonomic and adjustable. Not everyone is the same size, and nothing interrupts productivity like uncomfortable furniture. It can be hard to sit at a computer for 8 hours so consider investing in some optional stand desks for employees to switch positions. A white leather office chair can provide proper ergonomics, comfort, and a chic trendy look that is clean and bright.
Stimulate focus and create serenity with office décor made of organic material. Materials like stone and wood lend to the earthy tones that stimulate productivity and focus. Casual comfort is the end goal for the modern functional office. Create a casual atmosphere that encourages collaboration, communication, and inclusivity.
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Consider Portable Partitions
Portable partitions are becoming more and more popular. They allow you to maintain an even flow and open office design while temporarily partitioning off space for a meeting or private work area when necessary. Multiple partitions can offer design options for more function and efficiency. Create multiple spaces where employees can collaborate and work together while allowing space for private workstations that call for singular focus.
Get Creative and Have Fun
Whether your collaborative space is filled with bean bag chairs or a flowing water wall, natural elements allow you to create an inviting and functional office space. Get creative and have fun with your design but stick to the cooler colors for more productivity.
Even if you must purchase a white leather office chair or two, keep the furniture comfy, ergonomically correct, and on-trend. Stimulate and motivate with design elements and don’t forget to incorporate sustainability. You can create a modern and functional office that is chic, efficient, and productive.