People who choose to get rodents and small animals as pets face serious problems early on. The situation in question is what kind of cage is the most suitable for their small fur ball. It is widely known that smaller pets tend to “escape” and use every opportunity they see to “explore.” The “going on an adventure” mentality can be seen in most animals, but when they are so small, keeping them safe is a challenge. For this reason, buying a sturdy rabbit hutch, strong Guinea pig cages, and thick turtle aquariums is advised.
Why Would You Need a Rabbit Hutch?
A rabbit hutch is like a bit of home for your furry friend. It’s a misconception that hatches only exist outdoors. Nowadays, you can even purchase hatches for your rabbits suitable for indoors. However, it would be best if you never forgot that rabbits require a lot of space. You should only get a rabbit if you understand they are very active to keep as a pet. Rabbits love to socialize and are naturally curious. Still, they scare easily, so you need to adjust to the fact that they are extraordinarily complex and owning one is not simple.
Much like your small pets need secure Guinea pig cages, and rabbits need their personal space. A hutch fit for your rabbit can easily take care of this problem and provide them with security. The only downfall is that, unlike your beloved Guinea pigs, rabbits can’t run on a running wheel in their cage, so they can’t be kept inside for too long.
Therefore, you will have to take them out of the hutch much more than you would take a Guinea pig out if you want to keep them happy, healthy, and in perfect shape. No matter what type of animal you plan to get as a pet, all of them deserve private spaces, alone time, and, more importantly, a calm life.
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Choosing the Right Guinea Pig Cages for Your Runners

Everyone knows Guinea pigs love their private spaces. They find every nook and cranny and use them as hiding spots. They “arrange” their little homes to their liking. They adore slides and toys and genuinely enjoy making the most of their environment. However, when it comes to rodents and small pets, your first priority should be their safety.
Veterinarians recommend spacious cages made of durable, easy-to-clean materials with powerful locks to prevent the “escape artists” from manifesting. It’s important to emphasize getting Guinea pig cages with powerful locks as small pets are known worldwide to be good “escape artists.” As previously mentioned, it is crucial to ensure your pet’s safety.
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For this reason, veterinarians suggest you buy a cage preferably made of stainless steel to prevent rust and dirt from accumulating in the crevices. It might be more expensive, but it will be worth it. It would be best if you also tried to find Guinea pig cages only made of one piece, as multiple parts are harder to maintain.
When you purchase a cage made of numerous pieces, the risk for harmful chemicals from previous cleaning sessions to build up in the small orifices is very high. Save your money, time, and headaches, and try to find a cage as close to these specifications as possible.
How to Keep Your Rabbit Hutch Clean
Cleaning after an active pet can be a challenge for everybody. It’s even harder when you have more than one. Especially with rabbits since they are smaller and more challenging to catch than your average small dog or cat. The first thing you need to remember when cleaning a rabbit hutch is always to keep it dry.
Even after you thoroughly wash it, ensure you wipe it down sufficiently so that moisture doesn’t creep in when you add the rabbit bedding. It is an important step because too much humidity can cause mold, and you never want your pet to live, breathe or eat said mold.
Another great way to keep the hutch clean, aside from the regular scooping, is to keep everything tidy. Usually, animals get fussy if they live in a chaotic environment. For example, you should ensure your rabbits have enough space between their “kitchen,” AKA where you place the food and water bowls, and the “bathroom,” for obvious reasons.
Nobody likes to do their business where they eat. While on the topic of space, it would be best if you could purchase a rabbit hutch suitable for more pets than you have. You never know when the family could get bigger, and you will overall save more money.
Can You Keep Your Small Pets Out of Their Cage?

As a general rule, it is best if you try to keep your small rodents in a cage for their safety. Especially when it’s nighttime, however, if you want to take them out of their Guinea pig cages for a short while and you can keep an eye on them, it should be completely fine.
And because Guinea pigs are small and fast and can get into big trouble if they fall and get stuck somewhere. And unlike other pets, Guinea pigs don’t have a loud voice which can make situations more difficult in the eventuality that you lose them and you have no idea where they ran off to.
A rabbit hutch or cage is an excellent binder between the pet world and yours, specifically if you have children. Kids are known to get overly excited about any pet they own, even fish. For this reason, keeping these small animals in secure cages is a safe option for all parties involved. Especially if you’re thinking about getting your child fish, it’s probably best if aquatic life stays inside their tanks. Then, your child can still watch their favorite pet roll, sleep or play without ever putting them in danger. And you can rest easy knowing everyone is happy.