You’d think Chrome could rest on its market dominance, but that’s not the case. On the contrary, Google is attacking Firefox again properly. As of Chrome 94, updates come faster. That means more new features, faster security updates and bug fixes. To do this, the Google browser tries a clever sharing function via WhatsApp & Co.
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Chrome is the clear number 1 in browsers, as shown by the latest market share figures , even if there are minor fluctuations. Nevertheless, Google has made major changes to Chrome over the past few months, which are taking effect with the new release.
With the new Chrome 94 they want to catch up with Firefox and deliver a new version every four weeks. Up until now there was a new version of Chrome every six weeks, now the company wants to be significantly more innovative. There is an exception for companies. Via the Extended Stable Channel , you can switch to an update cycle of eight weeks via a guideline in order to have enough time to test new Chrome versions. There are then security updates every two weeks.
But Chrome 94 has other new features ready, which we will unravel in detail below. As always, Chrome users shouldn’t wait long just because of the security updates, but rather start the built-in update function in good time. Alternatively, the current Chrome version for all platforms is also available directly from CHIP.
HTTPS-First mode
Chrome now also offers a mode for safe surfing.
Firefox makers have good ideas more often and they are often quick to implement. HTTPS-only mode has been around since Firefox 83 . The idea is easy to explain, encrypted connections are the new standard, and unencrypted connections are the rare exception. The secure surfing mode ensures that you always take the encrypted route to a website, if there is one. Problems arise in mixed operation or when websites do not offer TLS encryption.
Chrome 94 follows suit and also offers an HTTPS-First mode. You can find it in the settings under “Data protection and security”. There it must be explicitly activated in the “Advanced” section. Google couldn’t come up with a catchy name for it, the option is “Always use a secure connection”. Google also uses it to guide users onto the HTTPS rail; if that is not possible, a warning message is displayed.
Chrome 94 novelties: clever WhatsApp sharing function
Chrome makes it easier to share open web pages. About WhatsApp.
New in Chrome 94:
Chrome has more options for sharing open websites. Google calls the feature a so-called sharing hub. You can share open websites in different ways using the icon in the URL line.
Devices with the same Google account can simply be operated using the “Copy link” function, but users can also generate a QR code or share links via Facebook, WhatsApp or other services. The function is hidden by default, but you can activate it relatively easily with the command chrome: // flags / # sharing-hub-desktop-omnibox .
New structure for settings
Every now and then you have to dive into the settings of Chrome. So far, they are all displayed on an eternally long page. On the left there is a menu to jump to the most important points, but there is still a long list of settings. That changes with Chrome 94, the settings are now implemented as individual sub-pages, which creates a better overview.
Android version
In the Android version of Chrome 94, users can also use HTTPS-First mode.
Security updates
Chrome 94 fixes a large number of security holes again, this time 19 CVEs are given in the release notes.
Innovations for developers
There are also innovations in Chrome for developers, the details are available on a separate website .